Family mediation


Family mediation

It is important for parents who separate to make careful choices, of their own free will, concerning the consequences of the separation. Since emotions are running high, you will need to be guided through the decision-making process as you define a new life plan and choose how you will play your role as parents.

 The family mediation program at the “Ministère de la Justice” allows couples with dependent children, whether or not they are married, to receive a number of free sessions with a professional mediator if they decide to separate or divorce or want to apply for the review of a judgment or agreement.

 Parents who have previously used the family mediation program can contact it again for the review of a judgment or agreement.

 Family mediation will help you work together to define a parenting plan tailor-made for your family, establish effective parental communications with respect to your children, take your children’s interest into account, along with the interest of each parent, protect the image of the other parent and make free and enlightened decisions about all aspects of your separation.

 The agreement you negotiate will ensure that your children react positively to your separation and will give you some influence over decisions that concern you, while helping you to fully exercise your parental responsibilities. However, in some situations family mediation is unlikely to be appropriate, including situations involving domestic violence.

 Source : Justice Québec